all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 7AN 7 51.571021 -0.234323
NW2 7AF 1 51.570777 -0.236869
NW2 7AH 27 51.569776 -0.24027
NW2 7AP 4 51.570549 -0.237238
NW2 7AQ 9 51.570243 -0.240814
NW2 7AU 4 51.561285 -0.253957
NW2 7AX 4 51.569188 -0.241216
NW2 7AY 3 51.568597 -0.241989
NW2 7BA 1 51.570925 -0.238364
NW2 7BB 0 51.567773 -0.241645
NW2 7BD 0 51.567053 -0.243361
NW2 7BE 0 51.566081 -0.246342
NW2 7BG 0 51.5658 -0.246166
NW2 7BH 0 51.566809 -0.243101
NW2 7BJ 0 51.566899 -0.240871
NW2 7BL 0 51.565617 -0.23994
NW2 7BN 0 51.564943 -0.239374
NW2 7BP 0 51.566607 -0.240002
NW2 7BR 0 51.560667 -0.237317
NW2 7BS 0 51.567427 -0.240158